Saturday, June 30, 2012

Reservation law is outdated

Let every one earn his or her daily bread through his or her own hard work than not by any easy ways outs and shortcuts. Dr. Ambedkar been the Drafting Committee Chairman of the Indian constitution and he himself being a Dalits had give undue importance and highlight of the dalits, scheduled caste and tribe to uplift their plight.

By virtue of someone having born in general category does not mean that he is intellectually very sound and having born in scheduled caste and tribe category does not mean that he is intellectually poor. Irrespective the cast in which one is born, each one has to earn his daily bread by his hard work not by any constitutional rights. Having born in the high caste or social class is not the criterion for someone being considered as intelligent.

If we can keenly observe on the increasing number of brain related problems faced by the newborn children, it is the children of the rich people of the society. The learning disabilities such as Autism and Dyslexia are faced by the children of rich parents not by the poor children born of poor parents. Therefore, these children should get some constitutional right not for the children and youth who belong to scheduled caste and tribe alone.   

Still we are getting them the fish whereas it is high time to teach them how to fish and eat it. The underprivileged citizen should be provided by the facilities and opportunity to attain their livelihood not spoon feeding them always, which can only create a group of idles. It is more like a 400 meter dash happening in 4 laps, where participants are from all the castes participating in the race, the whistle is given, all the participants started the race, the scheduled caste and tribe runners finish their 2 laps and stop the race and would be telling the rest of the general category that the rest they would get it in the reservation quota.

In the competitive exams the scheduled caste and tribe are given marks exemption, where the general category students need to score 55% of marks to clear the exam when the scheduled caste and tribe students need to score only 35% marks which is totally ridiculous. If those students are from the backward community, they should be given facilities and adequate opportunities with financial aids than giving marks exemptions. So the children of scheduled caste and tribe are blessed with undue exceptions.

It is high time to stop this dram and bring a new system. The continued system and provisions given to the so called scheduled caste and tribe is simply a proof of that they still being labeled as less intelligent. The horizons of thought level and thinking have to be widened to accommodate new schemes of things to help the marginalized.       

Genius is 1% is inspiration and 99% is perspiration. Having born in a particular caste is not the merit for being successful but it is all about perspiration. We have stories of children born of scheduled caste and tribe parents having reached the pinnacle of success like our late president, K. R. Narayanan. 

So it is all about, providing them with facilities, opportunities and financial aids than bring down their cut off marks to get qualified for any higher post or competitive exams, this cut off marks for scheduled caste and tribe can only challenge the credibility of any institution that conducts such competitive exams. It is one race and all the participants, irrespective of the caste they belong to, should be treated with same rules and regulations not with different rules which would keep up the credibility of the institution.       

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