Friday, April 8, 2016

The ex-seminarian factor providing more weightage in marriage market???

Though there are dozens of parameters that are considered on high priority when it comes to arranged marriages, character gets precedence along with family background, educational qualification and profession of the bride-groom. The character is not so easily discernible and visible like the latter at a given point of time.

There are investigative techniques used by the girl's family to examine where the potential bridge-groom is coming from, about his family, his parents, siblings, educational background, financial stability, profession, designation and how much salary he draws. Their findings are based on facts and physical evidences, which are available right in front of them.

But assessing the character is the most difficult affair, as in any favourable situation anyone would behave gentle, sweet and agreeable. The real character of a person would be clearly visible based on how he behaves in a bad temperament. As deep penetration into a person's real character is a difficult affair, the character is taken for a toss. Going through the life realities of married life, within six months or so, the real character of the person would be out of the bag.

When it comes to character, generally there is a notion about the ex-seminarian that he is more disciplined, having good character and more pious, compared to the other potential bride-grooms in the marriage market. A  girl's family having priests or ex-seminarians takes it for granted the character of an ex-seminarian and gives full marks for his character.

The girl's family even when assuming that their would be son-in-law could further work on his educational qualification and career even after marriage and better them, knows that there would not be much changes in the character unless and until there are drastic changes happening, but then again character could take a turn for better or worse.

In a certain geographical area, the ex-seminarian may have more value in the marriage market. Whereas in another, it may be believed that it is not good to get their girl married to an ex-seminarian, as God's wrath would fall upon their family, as once his life was dedicated to do God's work.

As I came to know eventually, my being an ex-seminarian, was a decisive factor in my chances for getting married to this wonderful girl from an aristocratic family. Hope my life partner's parents' 'good' notion about an ex-seminarian is not changed in the course of time.

Image Courtesy: Google Image 

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