Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The fake moral consciousness built within us

Despite the fact that we have universally accepted moral laws and codes of ethics, we ourselves have created a false individual moral consciousness within us on which we all operate. Each of us have created a set of individual moral laws and ethical codes for ourselves based on our convenience and comfort level and we operate on them. That is why most of the time we get into arguments and try proving that we have been right, though our moral laws and codes of ethics do not correspond to the universal codes of ethics and morality.

Each one of us have created a symbolic universe or a fool’s paradise within the large universe we all of us are living in. Each one of us have created our own set of rules, regulations, principles, philosophies, moral laws and codes of ethics for our convenience and comfort and we always argue out with others that whatever we do is right and we always adhere to our own individual moral laws and codes of ethics. We would be able to see things through the eyes of our own individual moral laws and codes of ethics not the universally accepted ones.

For an instance; in the ambit of our own individual moral laws and codes of ethics, we might teach and reinforce our mind that it is ok to have pre-marital sex and there is nothing wrong in it. The moral laws and codes of ethics of the land may not allows to have pre-marital sex but we have created our own false moral laws and codes of ethics and the true consciousness is being kept always suppressed. Thus, pre-marital sex is morally and ethically right for us in our individual moral laws and codes of ethics and it is ok.

However, the false consciousness we have built and on which we stand proudly could collapse any point of time, unable to stand against the current of universal moral laws and ethical codes and our fall would be fatal. As we operate on the false consciousness we always feel to project ourselves morally right and ethically precise. Many of us have shut down the doors which open to the universally accepted codes of ethics and morality and as we are deeply rooted in our own false moral laws and codes of ethics it is very difficult to convince and prove us wrong.

Due to the false moral consciousness within us, we may not be able to settle down most of the dispute because according to each party they are equally right in their own personal world thus we feel we can’t be proved wrong. They believe that what we have been following is right though what they follow would no way correspond to the universally accepted moral laws and codes of ethics. Therefore, what we most of us generally follow is personally set moral laws and codes of ethics.

For having followed the personally set moral laws and codes of ethics over the years, it would be difficult to have a sudden change in thoughts and accept universally accepted moral laws and codes of ethics whole heartedly.       

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