Thursday, November 22, 2018

What kind of generation our current education system is creating?

My generation is from an old school of education system where there wasn't any all-pass system. Punishment from teachers was in force in schools, which could make us all mentally and emotionally strong to face and handle any tragedy and calamities in our current situation.

What is the current generation up to? No doubt that they are all far ahead in Intellectual IQ than my generation of school going students, but what about the Emotional Quotient EQ and Moral Quotient MQ in them.
To a large extent, the new generation parents are responsible for the current state of affairs. The basic formation of any child takes place during childhood, while being with his/her parents. Over pampering, fulfilling all their needs and not exposing them to adverse situations, make them emotionally weak and devoid of ethics and morality.

Academic life and the day to day life we need to live are entirely different. We should not focus on gaining knowledge alone from our education but also acquiring emotional maturity, morality and ethics that is out there beyond theoretical and empirical knowledge.

New generation students even find it very difficult to handle even a slight emotional turbulence or rejection, which leads them to make a call to end everything abruptly. Absence of ethics and morality in their life leads them to indulge in various crimes and unethical practices, also to become slaves of unhealthy addictions like alcohol, drugs and pornography.

All-pass system, which depreciate the effort put in studies, should be stopped in schools and the right for the teachers to punish students reasonably for their mistakes should be restored in schools for the better emotional quotient and moral quotient of the current generation of students.

Education system which is devoid of Emotional and Moral Quotient will create only a generation of emotionally and morally challenged, who are unfit to lead a healthy social life.

Image Courtesy: Google Image 

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